04 二月 2012

A little Memory....

I change blogskin already. The tittle is A little Memory. I love this Tittle.

Today is a worse day for me. YA, WORSE.....I don't know why, just some feeling....Newly, I start to trust my feeling. Because I think lady's feeling is true! Today, I got a future plan, I want stay at London ! I don't want stay at Malaysia anymore, although Malaysia good. For me, I think London is better than Malaysia~ I love London.Yesterday, My friend told me a secret, but for me that thing was not a secret. She told me that Jone never love me or like me. Oh GOD, I'm not sad, cause I not love him anymore. That true ! And I got a feeling, the feeling tell me in my life will not love anymore, I'm not scared if not love. If the feeling is true, I also can live alone. I don't scared ONE PERSON LIVE ALONE. (alone let me remember newly I have read a novel call " one is one and all alone" )

                                                                                                                                 By Jssy Lim Zhi Min

