15 三月 2012

I love him

So, Long time no update...Miss You ~muackkk XD

Today's tittle is " I love Him ". Ya, I love him more than love my dog. ( Just kidding) but, My friend also love him. So, the problem is I'M DATING WITH THE BOY  I'M DATING WITH THE BOY I'M DATING WITH THE BOY I'M DATING WITH THE BOY I'M DATING WITH THE BOY !!!! 

Oh my God !!! What can I do uh? Break up? No !!! Explain with my friend that I'm very love him? I have try already!!! But, CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT CANNOT!!!!

What the hell I can do what? I don't know!!! I have not idea to solve this problem!!! My best friend tell me a idea...Don't break up with the boy, cause the boy also love you. That an only idea, ya, only !!!! I know I'm a poor girl. One is my friend, one is my boyfriend. Friend and boyfriend, I want choose who? I don't want give up our friendship !!! I don't want....So, I'm in a trouble now....

